Friday, 1 July 2011

shorter days

Following on from yesterday my bosses said to me this morning that because Im in early most days and my growing condition then I can start leaving at 4pm…

…I just have to make more drinks!

LOL I said that I would make one at 8am ;o)

The only thing is that it means I cant do so much internet stuff first thing...

hee hee Im not too bothered


Eileen H said...

You'll find that you get more and more tired, so it's good that they are making allowances for you.

Kelly said...

It's nice that they are flexible. Some employers are not so kind. They must really have a soft spot for you...must be all the hard work you do! ;)

Al said...

That was nice of them. It should also make getting home a bit easier for you too, as you won't be travelling when pretty much everyone else is?