Sunday, 13 November 2011

one for mummy and one for baby

On Thursday lunchtime I went out and bought my Advent Calendar (chocolate of course ;o))...

I told James when I got back and he said that I should buy one for the baby too (what a fabulous idea ;o)), so I said that it would mean me eating two chocolates a day (I mean I am not likely to object to that am I?) ;o).

He then said that he meant that I buy one for her and to keep it for her so she can see what they were like when she was born...

So that evening on our way home I bought two more advent calendars...

...a milky bar one for Mummy to eat for the baby (so she knows what they taste like) and a Pepper Pig one to save ;o)


Anonymous said...

Probably one for mummy and one for daddy.I don't think you can give babies chocolate, but in a way when you eat it, the baby might get some. So eat both.

Eileen H said...

I have a little story to tell. My mother had a very posh box of chocolate tree decorations that used to be put away every year and put on the tree the next Christmas. That was until sister and I were old enough to be tempted...eeerrrrgggh!

I think you and daddy should just eat them now. Assuming baby will be nearly one years old for her first Christmas she'll be able to have a fresh one then :)

chocolat lover said...

LOL Mummy will be eating both of them ;o)

Eileen - the chocolate tree decorations were always gone before the tree had been up for even 24 hours ;o)

Al said...

I knew the Milkybar one was for you! :)

chocolat lover said...

I suppose technically it is as I will be eating it ;o)