Thursday, 1 March 2012

World Book Day

Its World Book Day today James had told me when it was but (as usually happens) it completely slipped my mind!

Anyway I went to the library for Tots Time (it was the same as Rhyme Time).

And I noticed that BBC Essex was there I then saw the World Book Day signs there and had a look on my way out to see what books they would be selling.

I have also learnt another couple of songs to sing with Evie Im a hairy spider (I cant find a link for it) and a open your hands and close them.

On my way out I had a look at the books on offer and picked up this one it cost me £1 because I didnt have a book token.


Eileen H said...

I had a look at what you bought... so is James having savoury crocodile for tea? :-)

chocolat lover said...

he will be having crocodile & chips ;o)