Sunday 11 May 2014

wearing glasses like Mummy

A  few months ago James bought home a pair of 3d glasses (like the ones you get at the cinema). Incidentally I have kept the pair from when I took Evie to the newbie showing of Men In Black 3 ;o)

The other day Evie bought me over the 3D glasses (minus the lenses) so that I could put them on her ;o)

It reminds me a bit of Lenny Henry doing Trevor McDoughnut ;o)


Eileen H said...

They really suit her :-)

Unknown said...

Love those pigtails!

chocolat lover said...

she certainly does look cute wearing them ;o)

Katy - whenever I do her hair she says "bunches" ;o)

I have always thought of the plaited bunches being pigtails ;o)