Wednesday, 25 February 2015

a lucky guess

Yesterday we went to the doctors...

...I told him all about her pooping and saying that her bottom hurts when she needs to go but she still doesnt know when she wants to go etc.

He then examined her tummy and asked if there were any tears on her bottom - I said that I hadnt seen any and he said that he could have a look or we could d it at home - knowing that she wouldnt let us have a look (if we tried at home) I let the doctor do it - he didnt see any anyway so that was good.

He wouldnt give me anything as Evie has been doing soft poops and that it would just make her poop runnier (which was fair enough).

All he could suggest was giving her more fibre and that it will "sort itself out".  One of his suggestions was buying some weetabix so I got her some with chocolate which we are going to try this morning ;o)

So last night Evie said again that her bottom was hurting so I sat her on the potty and she said "I need to have a wee wee" and she had one - I dont know if she finally knows or if it was just a lucky guess ;o)

Anyway we have pre school today so I shall explain what has been happening to them so they know whats what.

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