Thursday, 12 February 2015

two swallows*

*disclaimer - no actual swallows are featured in this post ;o)

For the last few weeks now I (or rather we) have been sitting Evie on the toilet every time we change her nappy.

A couple of weeks ago she actually did a wee on the toilet (she got a high five, a chocolate button and got to stick a sticker on her step up stool).

I told James about it and he said that "perhaps we should stick her in knickers" to capitalise on the success (but I just put it down to it being a a fluke) I could hear my Mums words saying "two swallows dont make a summer".

Then last week when I picked Evie up from pre-school they told me that Evie said that she wanted to do a poop so they sat her on the toilet and she did a wee ;o)

She hasnt said since that she would like to do a wee or poop on the toilet but that could just be because its me & James...

Because its half term next week (and that means apart from going to the cinema on Monday morning) we have a clear week we are gong to start potty training ;o)  Otherwise we would have to wait until Easter!

We have 28 pairs of knickers (one friend told me that you cant have too many pairs).

We have 18 pairs in age 2-3 (she is still in her 2-3 clothes) and 10 pairs (that we bought yesterday) in age 3-4.

I know that some are going to have to be thrown away so hopefully we will have enough ;o)

1 comment:

chamonix44 said...

Well done Evie on beginning this herself !! And Good Luck to mummy and daddy on starting the potty training next week! It will be worth it in the end!