Sunday, 12 March 2017

peaking through

Every morning (since Wednesday) we have checked on Evies sunflower seed..

...yesterday after James had gotten up he told me that the seed had finally sprouted :)

So I got Evie to check on the plant and she told me that it still hadnt grown, so I told her to check properly and she told me that there was a leaf sticking out.

Evie assessing her plant
I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost another 2 lbs so that is 41lbs in total or 2 stones 13lbs and considering I had a whole carton of pancake mixture (as pancakes on Shrove Tuesday) I have done well :)


Eileen H said...

Well done on a little sunflower emerging and your weight loss is terrific :)

chocolat lover said...

thanks - I am pleased with how much I have managed to lose so far :)

The Captain said...

I love growing stuff on windowsills but hate gardening.

chocolat lover said...

Kirt - Im just hoping we can keep it growing until Easter :)