Friday, 7 July 2017

exploring cars and fairy tails

By Evies behaviour yesterday morning (not getting dressed until 7.50 am and crying saying that she wanted to cuddle James) she was more anxious about her new class than I realised.

By the time we got to school she was fine (so that was good).

When we were waiting for the teachers to open the reception class doors it was lovely seeing the little kids come in for their final transition session :)

I gave Evie a kiss goodbye and told her to enjoy herself :)

When it got to pick up time I saw a few Mums on the grass outside with their kids where they must have just finished their session and were waiting for siblings to finish school for the day.

Just before Mr F was about to let the kids out I saw one little boy run out to his Mum and Mr F went to chat to his Mum - she must have thought that he would be there until the end of the school day! I hope that he wasnt too traumatised by not being picked up with everyone else.

I remember my sister being upset (she must have been about the same age) when my Mum forgot to pick her up from a birthday party and got me to go and get her.

I asked Evie what she did with her new teacher, and she said that she drew a fairy tail character, so I asked her what she drew and she said a witch, I then asked if she had a witches hat and she said no she had a cape.

She also said that they were exploring cars - I will try and get out of her later what she was doing with them.

She said that she enjoyed her day so that is good and she got dressed quickly again this morning too :)


Eileen H said...

Aww. It's a shame when children worry about their routine being upset. I'm glad Evie was reassured everything was going to be alright. When do they break up for the summer holidays?

Jules said...

Im glad she enjoyed her day and was raring to go this morning. X

chocolat lover said...

Im glad she enjoyed her day and her new teacher :)

The school holidays start 24th July :)