Monday, 3 July 2017

school trip day

Evie has her very first school trip today :)

I wasnt chosen to be one of the parent helpers - which is a bit of a shame - hopefully Evie will enjoy herself more if Im not there cramping her style :)

And Evie is having a tantrum because she cant wear her school dress!

Evies lunchbag is by the front door and her lunchbox is in the fridge and an icepack is in the freezer (I just have to do her water :)).


Jules said...

An exciting day. I hope Evie has a wonderful time. Lily is going to school for a transition day today. I'm not sure how long for yet so I'll make her a packed lunch just in case. X

chocolat lover said...

I hope they both have a fantastic time :)

transition days are fun - Evies school told us when she needed a packed lunch etc - you could always call the school office to ask :)

Eileen H said...

I hope Evie has a wonderful time, shame you couldn't go along too.

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - she had a great time :)

Jules - how did Lily's transition day go?