Tuesday, 10 October 2017

interview #15 and brown paper bag

I got to the interview, and whilst telling me the details of the job he said its a fixed 22 hours per week but you have to be flexible with your hours, some days you will need to be in for 7.30 am!


...I told him that I thought the job was 5 hours on a Sunday, he then looked again at my form and saw that I was there for the Sunday job :) I thought that the recruitment company messed up again like they did with the location.

The job is to be on hand when a church hold their weekly meeting in case their are any issues and to clear up the room after and to arrange the rooms for the next day.

I think it went well and will find out by the end of the week.

Evie had a great day yesterday and came out clutching a brown paper bag :)

her brown paper bag with a purse, a wish, a friendship bracelet and a a square that she traced her initials into
you can see them closer here
Evie has her school photo taken today too :)


Eileen H said...

I'm glad the interview went well after the false start and my fingers are crossed for you. I'm glad Evie enjoyed her day and nice to be given gifts. My initials were EW before I got married :)

Jules said...

Wishing you luck with the job interview. At least you're not kept waiting long to find out if you were successful. I'm glad Evie enjoyed her day. It's school photographs on Friday here. X

The Captain said...

My youngest just had her last school photo taken.

chocolat lover said...

Eileen they are great initials :)

Jules - I put a hairbrush in Evies bookbag as her hair get very flyaway (like mine) it doesnt mean that it gets used though :)

Kirt - its probably starting to get a bit more real now for you and Morticia that she will soon be a grown up!