Sunday, 1 October 2017

spelling test

On Friday when I picked her up from school I eagerly looked in her bag for the next words that she needs to be able to spell and the results of Thursdays spelling test...

...I was hoping for just one correct word so was really happy to see that she had gotten nine right out of ten :)

The only word she got wrong was "sit".

She has a new list of ten words to learn but of the ten, four are words with "d" in and she always gets her "d" confused with "b".

So if she gets anything more than six out of ten I will be pleased :).


Jules said...

I didn't know they still did spelling tests. Oh well, something else to look forward to.
Well done Evie on her nine out of ten. X

Eileen H said...

Well done Evie 9/10 is excellent :)

chocolat lover said...

Jules - there is even a phonics test at the end of year 1, it is a list of words that the people in the know say that 5/6 year olds should be able to spell...

...the spelling tests are working towards the kids being able to spell all of those words.

Eileen - we thought so too :)