Thursday, 19 October 2017

phone call and interview #16

Yesterday I rushed back from taking Evie to school (sorted out my buts to take with me into town) and waited for my phone call.

The call came and the job is something that I have loads of experience with, so she is going to send my details through to the relevant team and I will have to see if they want to see me for an interview.  I told her about the interview I was having that day but I didnt mention the job offer.

I then went into town for my interview...

...the job is debt collection, to be honest I dont think that it is something that I will be any good at.  I didnt tell them that, but I did mention the job offer (especially as it is for the same company) :)  They did ask me if I would still do teh ther job if I got offered this one and I said that I would have to think about it.

I will have to see what they say :)


Eileen H said...

It's best to be honest. Husband and I have both been to job interviews where the job on offer just didn't feel suitable, so if you know at the outset it's best to go with your gut instincts.

Jules said...

At this rate you might end up being spoilt for choice! X

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - it will be interesting to see if they offer it to me...

Jules - hopefully :)