Thursday, 22 February 2018

scrolls and pirates

Yesterday when I went in to help in Evies class the first thing I had to do was filing from the day before...

...this time it was scrolls to God about keeping the family protected and having enough food and love :)

In the morning before playtime they had English and they had to write two sentences about a pirate and join them with the word "and".

I also learnt that you shouldnt have more then one "and" in a sentence! :)

Then there was singing assembly, a few children always stay back (2 to do reading and 3 to do some more work) Evie was one of the kids who stayed back.

She had to practice writing sentences, out of the three children who stayed she definitely had some of the nicest clearest writing :)

I did reading with A and L so that was nice.

Then after playtime it was maths and they had to practice < > and =...

...I was asked to help two kids but ended up helping four :)

So it was a really lovely morning again :)


Jules said...

It's always fun helping out at school. Yesterday we enjoyed a farm visit. X

chocolat lover said...

it sounded like you had great fun :)

Eileen H said...

It's brilliant that you can help out in class and learning at the same time. I've never thought about too many "ands" in sentences :)