Sunday, 15 April 2018

its not dark yet

On Friday night I told Evie that it was bedtime...

...and she looked out of the window and said " but its not dark yet" :)

She normally goes to bed at 8pm.

Im pleased that she is associating going to bed with how dark it is, and I pointed out to her that in June it doesnt get dark until almost 10pm and there is now way she is staying up that late!

She is coming out with answers to everything now which is quite funny :)


Eileen H said...

I remember my two asking why to everything :)
I like the light nights too.
Evie is quite cute expecting to stay up late because it's still light.
Good that she's made the association as you say :)

Jules said...

I love how they try to stay up later with the excuse of the light nights. X

chocolat lover said...

its lovely that she is growing up and thinking for herself :)