Monday, 21 November 2011

its a good job that I had set my alarm

Today is my first day of not working ;o)

Its not officially my Maternity Leave yet as I have two weeks annual leave yet to take ;o)

Anyhow I went to bed last night and left my alarm clock on as usual...

My alarm clock went off this morning and James was still in bed so I shook him awake yelling that he has overslept (there is no use being subtle about these things ;o)).

He wouldnt have been late for work as he has loads of time built in before he leaves in the morning ;o).

So James left for work at his normal time and I eventually got up having a nice leisurely breakfast of crumpets with marmalade.

I then turned my sights to bagging up the videos that we have accumulated over the years...

...I have left all of James one stacked up in a wall formation so that he can decide what he wants to keep and what he is happy to get rid of ;o).

I wouldnt want to get rid of any of his treasured videos such as the one of Hulk Hogan winning Wrestlemania or something ;o)


Al said...

What is this video of which you speak? Is it like DVD from the dark ages? :)

Eileen H said...

We recently had a clear out of our old videos. I don't think we even have a video player anymore!

Anonymous said...

I took half of my dvd's, about 60 of them and donated them to the library. I don't watch them so I thought others can enjoy them. The library was so happy I gave them to them.

chocolat lover said...

Al - it will be rather like that in a few years time ;o)

Eileen - we still have a video player but we only use it for the clock!

Connie - its good donating things like that ;o)