Tuesday, 28 February 2012

rhyme time

At my local library they run Chelmsford Childrens Centres groups.

The group we went to this morning was Rhyme Time ;o)

The session that we were aiming for was 10am - we werent in time for that one so we caught the 11am session instead and got our places at 10.30 a good half hour before it started ;o)

The first thing thay did were hand out some toys...

...a teddy bear, a scarecrow, a bobbin and a spider!

one of the ladies (there were 2 of them) held in her had a picture of a teddy bear and the child who had the teddy bear then handed the toy back...

and we all did round and round the garden which I have previously tried to do with Evie - the olny area big enough to do it on at the moment is her tummy but then it doesnt givemuch room for "tickle you under there" ;o)

Then came a picture of a scarecrow and we sang Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

Then came a picture of a bobbin and we sang Wind the Bobbin Up

Then came a picture of a spider and we sang Incy Wincy Spider.

Then we sang the Wheels on the Bus.

Then we sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Then the last song we sang was If your happy & you know it.

Even though Evie was too young to participate (and she slept through the whole thing) at least I have learnt some new songs to sing with her ;o)

On Thursday we are going to give Tots Time a go ;o)


Eileen H said...

Sounds like you had lots of fun and you can practice all the songs at home with her :-)
I can actually remember a song my gran used to sing to me when I was a child (all those years ago). It wouldn't be PC these days but it was called Chink chink Chinaman!

chocolat lover said...

It was great fun... ;o)

We have already sang "the wheels on the bus" ;o)

Kelly said...

It's so good that you're going to these things with her! What a committed mom! :)

chocolat lover said...

thanks Kelly ;o)

She slept through the whole thing even with he singing ;o)