Thursday, 16 August 2012

was it the fish

For a while now James has said that we should give Evie some fish to eat...

...remembering what Nurse Julie said and that I had a tin of tuna I said that I could giver her some of that...

...James thought that it would be too strong tasting and to try her on cod instead so we bought a small piece of cod and cooked it on Tuesday night for her to eat last night.

So I fed her the smooshed up cod, potato, asparagus & broccoli and she ate absolutely loads of it (I always do too much just in case she is extra hungry), as my Mum would say "my eyes are bigger than her belly" she actually says "your eyes are bigger than your belly" but you know what I mean ;o).

About an hour later Evie was sitting in her bouncy chair and I gave her a piece of watercress to play with and the next thing I know she is being sick so I whisked Evie upstairs to get her changed and left James to clear up her bouncy chair and the carpet.

As he had put the bouncy chair cover in the washing machine I got out her gymbaroo and let her play in that as we were both about to have our dinner...

,,,James then gave Evie a piece of bread to eat (I almost said to him "if she is sick again then you can clean her up" but didnt because it sounded negative) and sure enough she was sick again so I whisked her upstairs again for a second time for another change and James put the gymbaroo playmat in the washing machine too.

Luckily she wasnt sick again last night and I have jsut given her some porridge and apple puree so hopefully she will be ok.

We will try her on fish again next month and will see how she does.


Eileen H said...

Maybe she just ate too much.
Perhaps you could blame James!
Bread is very filling and she had been bouncing up and down straight after dinner.
She's OK and that's the main thing.

chocolat lover said...

we think that she possibly ate too much too ;o)