Sunday, 26 January 2014

hernia update

Back when I was pregnant I developed a hernia...

In December I finally decided to go to the doctors about it (I wasnt worried about it) but my friends Mum gave my friends a pep talk (which they told me about as I couldnt make going to meet them) about getting anything that we are worried about checked out sooner rather than later.

It also prompted one of my friends to go to the doctors about a spot on the roof of her mouth.

I had to go for a scan of the hernia here and because it was a private place (althogh through the NHS) I was seen early ;o)

Anyway the lady doing the scan said that the hernia was small to medium and as it is where it is then they will probably want to do a repair on it.

So tomorrow I shall call my doctors surgery and will book an appointment.


Eileen H said...

Very wise to get it checked out and sorted as soon as you can.

chocolat lover said...

Im glad that I did in the end...