Sunday, 4 May 2014

pushing the lawnmower just like Daddy

On Friday I bought Evie a toy lawnmower ;o)

Here is a video motion picture of her pushing it around the garden

pushing the lawnmower just like Daddy
She couldnt play with it in the garden on Friday as it was raining but did enjoy mowing the carpet in the lounge and even mowed the carpet at her Nanny & Grandads Friday evening too ;o)

As it has been in the garden it is now in the garage and I have promised Eve she can mow the lawn again after her nap ;o)


Eileen H said...

Awww bless her :-)

That brings back memories. We bought one for our son when he was about Evie's age, it didn't pick up grass but it did make a horrible noise and he drove us mad with it in the house :-)

chocolat lover said...

this one doesnt make a noise luckily, and she loves playing with it outside ;o)