Wednesday, 1 October 2014

one of the dvds wouldnt play

After me & Evie came back from Tumble Tots with the sample dvd in our hands... after we had our lunch and changed Evies nappy I decided to watch the dvd and it was really good watching Evie ;o)

So I decided to watch the older dvds of her too starting with the Christmas 2012 (I had to hold her up with my hand under her top) one, she was entranced with the bubbles even then ;o)

Then there was the zoo one and that was really funny watching Evie catch the bubbles ;o)

Then came Christmas 2013 I put the dvd in the player and it said to eject the dvd as it isnt able to play back! So I tried it again and it said the same message, so I tried it another couple of times and then tried the next dvd.

The next dvd which was a safari adventure and it was really fun watching that one too... I tried watching the other one again and it still wouldnt work!

So I e-mailed the guy and he said that he will check at the weekend to see if he still has the master copy as he may have deleted it by now (he only keeps copies for 6 months due to data protection privacy!), if not he will collect the damaged disc and try to repair it for me.

I shall make sure that I play the dvds as soon as I get them next time.


Eileen H said...

That's a shame, really disappointing for you. Let's hope he still has the master copy!

chocolat lover said...

hopefully we will be able to get another copy.