Thursday, 11 June 2015

speaking to the health visitor

On Tuesday afternoon I spoke to the Health Visitor about Evies stammering.

I explained to her how Evie is ok (most of the time) with reciting things such as if Im reading Mr Nosey to her she can recite the words as well as when she is watching some episodes of Peppa Pig.

She seems to have her main trouble when she is thinking about what she wants to say.

She then asked if Evie has any problems with hearing and I said that I dont think she has although she does tend to ignore me if she is watching something (but that is more of a case of "blocking" Mum out ;o)).

She also asked if Evie had her two year check and she asked if the health visitor ahd any concerns about Evies speech then and I said that she was fine then and that it has only started within the last 6 weeks.

She then said to leave it a month before she will look into doing a referral (as it sounds to her like she will hopefully grow out of it) and I will call her if Evie is still stammering (I have her mobile number in my smartphone as well as a reminder ;o)).

I asked her about the assessment and she said that because I dont have any other concerns it would be more of just having a chat rather than a full health assessment.

Im not sure if its jsut our imagination but Evie does seem to be getting better and not stammering quite so much.

Yesterday I mentioned the conversation with her pre school just so they are in the loop too ;o)


Eileen H said...

Hope this is just a temporary thing.
Children do have selective hearing, I remember that quite well :-)

chocolat lover said...

Im sure it is just temporary...

...hee hee James still has "selective hearing" ;o)