Monday, 13 February 2017

Brave wisdom filling

Evie as Nd I had our dentist appointments today.

The other day while she was having some orange juice she told me that it was hurting her teeth, so I mentioned it to the dentist and she said that Evie's teeth had no holes in so all was ok.

Then it was my turn, she started counting my teeth and then when she was at the end of the bottom.row she was prodding with her prodder thing.

She said that I have a small hole wisdom tooth - and that when I'm cleaning my teeth in future I will have to pull my cheek away as the tooth is tucked away and difficult to clean.

So I had a filling, I tried to be as brave as I could be, and they even stopped half way through to check that I was ok.

I now have to remember that today I have to chew on my right hand side.


Eileen H said...

Yes, try to avoid chewing on the filling, they have a nasty habit of coming out. You're lucky getting the filling done at a checkup, my dentist would make me have a separate appointment to do that. Going there once is enough!

chocolat lover said...

Im glad it got over and done with otherwise I would have worked myself up...