Wednesday, 3 May 2017

from beaver to alligator

When I went to pick up Evie from School yesterday I scanned the boxes outside with the swimming bags in and found Evies...

...but she wasnt in the beavers class anymore but had been moved down to the alligators class.

Hee hee I let James fill in the form (as he was the one who did the swimming classes with her) that asked how good her swimming skills were...

...he must have bigged her up a little too much :)

Evie was quite happy being an alligator now so that is the main thing :)

And at least she is now in the right class for her abilities too :)


Eileen H said...

I'm sure I wouldn't know which was the better swimmer, beaver or alligator :)

Anyway, I know what you mean, they've assessed her and she should learn better in the right class. Way to go Evie :)

chocolat lover said...

the classes are "a b c" alligators, beavers and crocodiles, I think that crocodiles is the top class...

...she is enjoying the class so thats good :)