Friday, 5 May 2017

Interview #6 pox party and packed lunch

Yay I have another interview next Friday, it is with a different insurance place from last time, they said that if I am happy to work 9-5 then they will see me :)  As my part time job hunting isnt going too well then I may have to go full time anyway :).

M in Evies class has chicken pox, as well as A, A and L from the other reception class, S in Evies class has her birthday party on Saturday, her Mum said that she was happy for M to come to the party so M's Mum asked us other Mums if we were ok with her going.  I said that we were happy and that M shouldnt miss out :)

So the chicken pox party will even have balloons :)

I picked Evie up from school yesterday and asked her what she at of her lunch, she said that she had ate some of it so that was good.

I was really pleased when I opened her box when we got home that she had actually eaten the roll that I had put in there...

...she also ate her jelly and her strawberry fruit string, I am not sure how much cucumber she ate or grapes, she finished her carrot sticks in the playground and had eaten most of the bacon and only had 1 of the cocktail sausages although it looked like she tried 2 of them (just in case the second 1 was nicer :)


Eileen H said...

A chickenpox party sounds like fun :-)

Good luck with your job interview. When my two were growing up I worked days and my husband worked nights so it worked perfectly for us....also explains why we've been married for so long, we were like ships that passed in the night :)

chocolat lover said...

thats a good idea that someone was always there for when they were needed...