Thursday, 1 March 2018

crunchy not icy

This morning i sent my guinea pig James out to see what the snow was like :)

He told me that it is crunchy and not icy so thats good :)

And as long as we dont get slushy snow today then we should be ok tomorrow too :)

We have another snowday today as the school is closed as the pavements around the school are treacherous!

We were supposed to have parents evening tonight and last nights one was postponed too.

We are going to venture out today we will either walk into town or go to a retail park which is nearby too :)


Eileen H said...

I don't mind crunchy snow but ice is another thing entirely!

chocolat lover said...

I hate the ice too, the temperature tomorrow is supposed to get upto 3 degrees so the snow will melt and then rain Saturday night too...