Thursday, 5 May 2011

being bashed by a 4 ring binder

I got on the train this morning and I found an empty 2 seater seat, and sat down by the window (LOL I like to look at what I am passing ;o)).

This woman sat down next to me and proceeded to get out of her bag an A4 sized ring binder, she had it perched on her lap and the binder itself kept on knocking into my legs.

I really dont get why people insist on doing work on the train (incidentally she is training to be a manager with Asda), I would much rather use the time to listen to something on my MP3 player.

LOL perhaps I just dont have the proper work ethic ;o)


Eileen H said...

It was very inconsiderate of her to have her binder bashing you on the legs! Not good for a would be retail manager :)

I'm wondering if you got into a conversation with her, perhaps you told her about her annoying binder (not sure I could do that). Or, did you put up with it and just happened to see it was her Asda training manual?

chocolat lover said...

LOL no I didnt get into a conversation with her...

...I put up with it and saw it on the front of her binder as she was about to get off ;o)

Umbongo said...

I used to knock into the legs of ladies sitting next to me on the train... but not with a ring binder. Yikes, what a perv!!!

Feel sorry for her... no, not because she's a 'high flier' in retail customer concept delivery, but she did not have her words in PDF which she could browse on an Ipad or a Kindle. Which is what regular high fliers are using these days.

Meanwhile I have an interesting set of folders and clipboards from assorted training courses - all contents shredded long ago as those courses are really just an excuse to waste a week on learning nothing. As for working on the train? There's just too many legs to bang into...

Word verification is **UNDIES** Umbongo is back in the building.

Kelly said...

Umbongo is out of control.

Interesting that you knew the exact specs of the weapon used against you. :)

Lot-O-Choc said...

Ahhh its irritating when that happens and all you want to do is sit on your journey without being repeatedely knocked!

Joe Jarvis said...

Sounds like a new character for our Tube Boobs trading cards: Industrious Irma.

chocolat lover said...

Andy - LOL they would make a great piece of "social art" ;o)

Kelly - I didnt purposely look I just saw it ;o)

Natalie - after a while she adjusted how the binder was on her lap so it wasnt too bad...

Joe - I cant believe that I have inspired a "tube boob card" ;o)