Monday, 23 May 2011

it was that windy

Yesterday afternoon it was that windy...

...that our wheelie bin got blown over...

...twice. Not once but twice!

First of all we thought it was local kids being little a*sholes then when it blew over the second time we realised that it was the weather.


Al said...

I now have an image of the local kids blowing your wheelie bin over... :)

Kelly said...

I'm glad it was the wheelie bin and not you! I was preparing myself to receive the news that you had been blown over...and in that case I was going to suggest you start bulking up with the addition of more chocolate to your diet! ;)

chocolat lover said...

Al - it wouldnt have surprised me (the little hooligans)

Kelly - LOL I have almost been blown over a couple of times ;o)

Perhaps I should bulk up anyway just to make sure ;o)