Thursday, 8 March 2012

tummy time

On Monday I bought Evie this playmat.

I have been watching Pregnant in Heels and tummy time was mentioned.

We didnt do any tummy time on Monday because I was tired out... on Tuesday I laid her down on her mat (but it was just before she was due a feed) she must gave lyed down for 15 minutes before she started to cry.

Wednesday we tried again (this time after I had fed and changed her nappy) and she fell asleep ;o)

So at least she found it comfortable enough to sleep on which is a huge plus.

And both times she has been sick on it too! (luckily it is wipe clean)


Eileen H said...

I must admit that I didn't know what tummy time was. I can't remember if I put my two on their tummy's or not...they haven't got flat heads anyway :-)

Kelly said...

Ahhh...I remember when Myles' teachers would worry because he didn't last very long on his tummy...and basically refused to lift his head from that position. He was at least five months old, but he had a good excuse! I rarely put him down! ;)

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - thats good to know ;o) I think that a lot of it is just to scare you...

...afterall babies will sit up and crawl and some babies are slower at doing it than others ;o)

Kelly - hopefully Evie will get used to it and will let me put her down for a bit longer...

At the moment I dont put Evie down for very long - I normally wait for her to start crying or to fall asleep.

But then she is only 12 weeks old.