Sunday, 18 January 2015

data usage

As my phone contract runs out at the end of March, I have been looking at the upgrades.

Three dont seem to do "all you can eat" data anymore unless you go for a top package...

...and I certainly dont plan on doing that!

So yesterday I freed up some space (by deleting the kindle app) and have put on my data manager so I can see how much data I am using.

the app on my phone
what I have used so far

It will be interesting to see how much I use as Evie enjoys watching Peppa Pig on my phone ;o)

At least this will arm me with the info as to how much data I will need per month ;o)


Eileen H said...

That's a good idea to check your usage prior to the salesman trying to persuade you to buy something not necessary!

chocolat lover said...

my main concern will be how easy it is to buy more data if I go over my allowance as I dont want to be slammed with more charges.