Sunday, 8 January 2017

first couple of days back

Lets just say Evie has been really tired since going back to school after the Christmas holidays and has been backchatting me and not doing as she is told.

I have even banned her from using the play area for a week.

On Thursday she was playing up so much that I told her no TV and no dessert.

On Friday she was better so that was good.

Yesterday it was back to swimming lesson and today tap dancing started again :)

So its back to rush rush rush :)


Eileen H said...

Oh dear, I wouldn't like to relive those sort of days over again. She's probably tired and that's when they turn into little monsters. ((Hugs to you))

chocolat lover said...

thanks :)

all my friends have the same stories to tell too :)

The Captain said...

Doesn't get any easier. :S

chocolat lover said...


...thanks (I think) :)