Monday, 9 January 2017

nice and early

Yay this morning Evie was dressed by 7.30 :)

She has always preferrred wearing a dress and skirt to trousers and socks.

So on Thursday last week (after Evie still wasnt dressed and ate her toast on the way to school) I hit on the idea that if she gets dressed by a certain time (7.50 in her case) then she can wear her dress and tights and if she isnt dressed then I take them away and it will leave her with the trousers and socks.

So when I was giving her time checks I would also add in how long it was before I would take away her dress and skirt.

Also I have a sore little toe and I put a plaster on my toe this morning and Evie said that she wanted her box of plasters to hold, so I told her that is she was dressed nice and early then she could have them.

So I found the crumpled box and told her that I found the plasters.

I think the plasters were the real reason for her getting dressed quickly and she is as pleased as I am that we are both happy :)


Eileen H said...

It does work giving little rewards (I won't say bribes) and is much less stress for you :)

chocolat lover said...

sometimes it works anyway :)

The Captain said...

You might have found the solution.

chocolat lover said...

she is still pushing her boundaries but hopefully she will get dressed quicker