Sunday, 21 May 2017

pox pros and cons

Evie has enjoyed the pros of having chicken pox...

...the comics, toys and chocolate cornflake bites :)

but hasnt really liked not being able to go to places (such as going to the toy shop).

We have gone to coffee shops though making sure we sit outside :)

she has mainly got spots on her face back and tummy and as of this morning she has had new ones appear on her legs.

I have to call her school tomorrow so will give them an update.

I was in asda yesterday and bought us a "decorate your own owl" and "fox" ornaments :)  Evie has already decided that she wants to do the owl :)


Jules said...

Bless that little face. Chicken pox is rotten but better now than when she's older (says the one who got it at eighteen). X

chocolat lover said...

I think I ended up getting it twice - the second time I was 21 and it was only a very few spots :)

Im glad that its out of the way now :)

Eileen H said...

Agree with Jules. I caught it when my two did and mine was so much worse than theirs!

chocolat lover said...

poor you - thats not good...