Tuesday, 6 June 2017

bags by the door ready

Its Evies first day back at school today after the half term holiday...

...her swimming bag and book bag are by the front door ready :)

As she has Gym Trail today I will try to make sure that I take her PE bag tonight (she has PE tomorrow) when I pick her up (as otherwise she will have too much stuff to take back to her classroom as she will be carrying her swimming bag too).


Jules said...

Have a lovely day Evie. X

Eileen H said...

You have a lot to organise for Evie's school day!

The Captain said...

I think she might need a trolley. Lol!

chocolat lover said...

thanks Jules she did

Eileen - it feels like that sometimes :)

Kirt - adding a trolley into the mix *argh* :)