Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Growth spurt plus

A few weeks ago when doing the washing I forgot to take evies swimming costume out before putting it in the tumble dryer...

..i couldn't immediately tell if it had shrunk and it is age 6 anyway so should be ok for the time being.

Yesterday at luck up time one of the mum's who help with swimming (they still haven't told me when they need me to help btw) asked if evie has another swimming costume as her one is a bit tight!

I laughed with her about putting it in the tumble dryer :)

So after my interview today I will have a look for a suitable swimsuit in Primark otherwise I will checkout the supermarkets later in the week.

I will get an age 7 and will keep it out of the tumble dryer :)


Jules said...

I need to get a new one for Lily too. Must remember to have a look next time I go shopping. Good luck today. X

Eileen H said...

Oops. I try not to tumble dry my washing unless I really have to! Good luck for today.

chocolat lover said...

I am going to look in the sports shops today to see if I can get something schooly that is cheap :)