Sunday, 29 July 2018

euroMillions confusion

Whenever I get an e-mail telling me that my lottery ticket has ran out I leave it in my inbox until I have renewed it :)

The other day I received an e-mail saying "you cant win EuroMillions without a ticket!"

I was sure that I had already bought my ticket with my full proof system LOL :)

So when I went online this afternoon the first thing I did was check that I do have my ticket and phew I do :)

So I have forwarded the e-mail to national lottery in case it is spam...


Eileen H said...

It could well be spam and best to report it. I've had a couple from Amazon telling me about my recently viewed item, a CD of some American pop group I'd never heard of. These spammers are getting clever, but not clever enough for us to be conned :)

chocolat lover said...

I never open links from websites either...

chocolat lover said...

it was a genuine e-mail...!