Wednesday, 18 July 2018

last day helping in year one

Today will be my last day of helping in year one... the end of last week the kids were asked to bring in a large carrier bag for their work - I gave Evie a recycle bag :) which is still in her bag!

I wonder if I will have to start bagging up their work or if it will be left for J's or A's Mums (as they are helping tomorrow and Friday)

The teachers and teaching assistants presents and are ready and I will take them in this afternoon :)


Eileen H said...

You may feel a bit sad on your last day but you'll have a brand new school year to look forward to :)

Jules said...

It must feel strange but at least you'll be helping out again next year. We've been getting Lily's work sent home in dribs and drabs this week. X

chocolat lover said...

It was a bit sad but at least I can help again next year :)