Friday, 24 August 2012

getting back to sleep

Up until about a month ago if Evie woke up in the middle of the night (before 6.30 am) then I would do a feed for her... either me or James (me normally) will rock her back to sleep.

This morning she woke up at 4 am so I was sitting on our bed trying to get her off to sleep but she seemed more interested in trying to see James in the dark!

She eventually went back to sleep, and then woke again just before 6 so I got her back off again and then she properly woke up just before 7 ;o)


Eileen H said...

She sounds like she is wide awake at 4 o'clock, oh dear, not good. Rocking her back to sleep sounds a very good idea. Shame she is not sleeping through the night for you yet.

chocolat lover said...

some nights she does sleep through...

...Im guessing that she is having nightmares or something!

Kelly said...

So funny that she was so curious about James.

chocolat lover said...

she is very nosy anyway and is very easily distracted