Monday, 29 October 2012

no-one can catch a cold that fast

Yesterday we met up with James brother his wife and their three kids...

...just before we left to see them James said "no doubt one of them would have a cold and Evie will get it".

We got home yesterday afternoon (after having a good day) and a few hours later Evie did a massive sneeze!  It was clear (and it still is if you are interested - if your not then you might as well not read this bit ;o)),

James then decided that her cold must be his brothers fault!  I told him that she couldnt catch a cold from them THAT fast...

...if you allow a cold three days to arrive then that puts it to being caught from the library (which is much more plausible).


Eileen H said...

Who knows how we catch germs, they seem to sneak up from nowhere. Still, we might as well blame someone... makes us feel better :-)

Anonymous said...

She could have got it from the doctor office. Wait till she goes to school. My son got colds constantly from school.

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - it certainly does ;o)

Connie - travelling on trains are also a way of getting lots of colds...

...I was getting one every three months when I first started working in London!