Sunday, 2 November 2014

NHS walk in centre

For the past few weeks now I have had a cough...

,,,and on Friday night/Saturday morning my coughing was so bad that it woke Evie up (so I felt guilty enough that I should go and see a doctor).

I was originally planning on going this week anyway (as NHS say to go if you have a cough for more than three weeks),

As I wouldnt be able to go to my surgery until Tuesday (as on Mondays we have Tumble Tots).

So I decided to go to my local NHS Walk in Centre.

I walked in there and the place was 3/4 full.

So I filled out a form (saying my name, doctors surgery and my symptoms).

I had bought my MP3 player with me (as I knew that I would have a long wait) my Mum went in there on Boxing Day and had a four hour wait!

I had just one headphone in but couldnt hear who was being called (because of all the noise) so instead I sat there and watched the people coming in and out ;o).

Aboit an hour  later I went upto reception to make sure that I hadnt missed my name being called out and they said "no you havent been called yet" and then they said that there were another three people in front of me yay ;o) and I asked if they could shout out my name a bit louder as I couldnt hear who was being called and they said that they would.

So I went to the toilet and sat back down again.

And then 15 minutes later I was called ;o)

I told the doctor my symptoms and hyped up about my coughing waking Evie up and how guilty I felt.

So she listened to my chest and my back and said that my chest was clear.

And she said that what I had was more of an irritation and that I should take anti histamines (the doctors prescribed some for Evie last year) and an asthma inhaler (but it didnt mean that I have asthma).

And that if my coughing is no better on Monday that I should go and see my own doctor.

Hee hee the receptionist must have said on my form that I was "below average intelligence" or something because the doctor showed me about 10 times how to use the inhaler!

I even saw our next door neighbours in there.

Anyway I dont think I am coughing as badly so I shall see how I get on.


chamonix44 said...

Amber I have also had a terrible cough for 10 weeks now. It is wearing me out as it makes me feel so bad and I can't sleep properly because every time I lie down I cough. My life at the moment consists of coughing, drinking loads of water to try and stop the coughing and going to the toilet because of all the water I have swallowed! I am not having an easy time. Seeing a doctor on Tuesday.

chocolat lover said...

I hope the doctors appt goes well and he/she gives you something.

Eileen H said...

Hope your cough gets better soon. You're right to always get a persistent cough checked out.

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better! Al and I are both down and out with chest colds. It's the worst.

chocolat lover said...

Its starting to get better now which is good.

Katy - its horrible when you both come down with it.