Thursday, 6 November 2014

taster session #1

As we had to be at Evie pre school for 10.30 yesterday I made sure that I was getting her ready as close to 9 am as I could ;o)

So I got Evie changed and dressed and then got myself dressed.

We were out of the door in good time and got there 10 minutes early.

So I crammed the buggy into the buggy park there (its a 10 foot covered area to leave the buggies).

We went inside and I took off our coats and I was told who Evies key worker is.

The first thing Evie did was play with some stickle brick type blocks - she almost had the whole tub of them on the table!

Then it was snack time and they took Evie to wash her hands and she sat at the table and had raisins and breadsticks and some water...

...they were saying that now the weather is getting colder they would offer (with parents permission) warm chocolate ;o)  I have already signed the permission slip for it ;o)

I then had to go through an assessment form with her key worker just so that they know what Evie and and cant do.

The kids were then sat in a circle singing one of the songs was a days of the week song and then they were talking about the weather and then I think that they were singing twinkle twinkle little star.

And then it was the end of our hour and it was time to play in the infant school playground so we joined them doing that too ;o)

The playground was really good and they had balance beams in there and they were helping the kiddies to walk along them which was good ;o)

They had half an hour playing in there and then it was back to the pre-school and I signed out to leave and we headed home...

...Evie was so tired that she fell asleep on our walk home ;o)

When I asked her if she wanted to go again on Friday she said "no thank you" but we told her that she is going again anyway ;o)


Eileen H said...

That makes me laugh out loud,her saying No thank you, when she really means yes please :-)

chocolat lover said...

hee hee she is still saying "no thank you" ;o)