Sunday, 9 November 2014

taster session #2

On Friday we had our second taster session at pre-school ;o)

We got there in plenty of time again.

When we walked in I took Evies coat off and she went straight to the table with play dough on although she was more interested in playing with the shape cutters ;o)

I then got Evie to play with the water table while I went through the forms that I had filled in with her key worker.

She had an apron on but it didnt stop her sleeves from getting soaking wet with all of the water.

We or rather I decided not to stay and play in the playground as it was a bit like organised chaos.

I also bought her school uniform (2 t-shirts and a fleece with the pre-school logo on) I still have to iron on some name tags on to them ready for Wednesday ;o)

Hee hee when we went into Starbucks yesterday I was asked if I wanted to do my own latte as I did such a good job Thursday evening ;o).


Eileen H said...

I don't think my two had uniform for nursery school, I can't decide if that is a good or bad idea!

chocolat lover said...

they say that its a good way of giving them a sense of "belonging" and it stops their clothes from getting mucky.