Tuesday, 11 November 2014

the wrong disc perhaps?

Yesterday at Tumble Tots while waiting for our session to start I was given my 2013 christmas dvd back.

I asked if that meant the DVD had been repaired and she said that she didnt know but I should play it when I got home and to let her know if there is still a problem with it.

So we got home after and I gave Evie her lunch (peppa pig pasta shapes, a slice of white buttered toast and a milky bar dessert) changed her nappy and then put her down for her afternoon nap.

It is so nice now that she stays awake long enough after now to have her lunch first ;o)

So I put the DVD into the player pressed "play" and it still wont work!

I am hoping that he has just returned the wrong disc to me and that he did manage to fix it for me.

Still I have e-mailed him and Tumble Tots as I was asked to let them know if it still didnt work.


Eileen H said...

That's disappointing,
not looking hopeful to return it with no explanation :(

chocolat lover said...

He did e-mail me back to say that he did me another copy and that he would check it and then send it on to Tumble Tots for Monday, he hasnt come back to me either way yet...