Friday, 27 January 2017

seven plus seven nights and book look

After Evies successful seven dry nights, I said to her lets see if you can do eight dry nights, and she said I dont want to do eight , so I suggested seven plus one and that was acceptable :)

So this morning when I woke Evie up I said to her shall we see if you have done seven plus seven nights and she said yes, so we went to the toilet and yay the nappy was dry, so tonight she can sleep in knickers :)

Yesterday Evies school had their book look (giving us parents a chance to see what work they have been doing) :).

It was really good seeing all of the stuff she has been doing :)

And in the scale that they use to judge how well they are doing there were "high" and "good" so that was encouraging :)


Eileen H said...

Excellent on all counts. See, I said she'd come on in leaps and bounds :) Well done Evie!

chocolat lover said...

thanks, when were waiting for her to go into her classroom (reception class has its own play area) she is always running around with the other kids :)