Sunday, 12 February 2017

now the washing machine

First the Tumble Dryer needed replacing.

 Last Thursday I was doing an extra load, and I noticed a puddle of water underneath the washing machine, so I got the washing machine to drain itself and i cleared up the water and put in more washing powder and water softener tablets and started the load again and this time it was ok.

We had another washing machine leak yesterday so have ordered a new washing machine it is being delivered on Wednesday in the morning.

Luckily its half term week so it means that I can be in for the entire time slot :).

Talking of half term week...

...we have some plans...

...we have the dentist on Monday and on Tuesday we are picking up Evies new glasses.

Oh I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost another 3lbs so that is 36lbs or 2 stone 8lbs in total :)


The Captain said...

That's terrible. For both to go at once. Was it not repairable?

Eileen H said...

Things like that happen to me too, everything seems to go at once.
Well done on your weight loss, that's so impressive.

chocolat lover said...

Kirt - our washing machine was really old - so it wasnt worth it...

Eileen - thanks :) Im pleased that the weight is keeping coming off :)