Thursday, 29 June 2017

interview #8 the clue was there

After dropping Evie off at school I went straight into town for my interview,,,

..I got there bang on time, then 15 minutes later the ladies supervisor came down to say that the person doing the test wasnt in yet as there were cows on the line :)

And that I should get myself a coffee while I was waiting.

Meanwhile another lady turned up (the person after me) and while we were walking up the stairs she asked the other lady where she came in from and she said "x" and she said "so you are near to the music school them" my ears pricked up as the reason I applied for the job was because I thought it as in Chelmsford, so I asked her if the job was in "x" and she said "yes" so I said oh ok it did say Chelmsford as the location, and she said yes this is their head office.

The lady eventually turned up and I did my test first (it was looking at a spreadsheet and answering questions and then on another tab working out the hours that each teacher was working) I didnt manage to finish it but I did pass their end test by knowing how to save the spreadsheet :)

I had my interview and they asked me 8 questions... of them was how I would promote the music school?

so I reeled off a load of suggestions - one of them being having a mini concert in town, to so prospective clients how well the students play :).

I will find out next week :) I am not sure if I will get it as I am quite a way away from the music school :).

I might as well see what happens.:)


Jules said...

It's a bit annoying that you were given the wrong location. All good experience though. When will you find out? X

Eileen H said...

That's not good giving out the wrong location and keeping you waiting too. Hopefully you did OK and you can decide if it's the right job for you :)

The Captain said...

It all adds to more interview experience though.

chocolat lover said...

Jules - I should find out nest week :)

Eileen - I might as well see if I at least get offered the job :)

Kirt - interview experience is good to have :)