Tuesday, 17 July 2018

health check

A couple of weeks ago me & James both got letters about having our health checks, so I have organised mine for today (before the summer holidays start).

Last time I had to go to the hospital and have a blood test and take in a urine sample, but there is none of that this time.

I even went into the surgery to book it so that they could give me a blood test form and anything else.

Im hoping the person I see doesnt say "so your still alive then?" :)


Jules said...

It's a while since I've had a health check and even then it was reluctantly. Hope all goes well. X

Eileen H said...

We're not offered these health checks here in Wales and I've never had one, such a good idea.

chocolat lover said...

It all went ok, I just have to go for blood tests so they can compare them from last time :)