Wednesday, 19 January 2011

photography competition

When I am going home in the evening on the train I read the paper v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y - and I also tend to fall asleep (but luckily have *touches wooden desk* always woken up in time for Chelmsford station).

On Monday James was reading through the paper and asked me if I had seen the photography competition that they are running? To which I grabbed the paper out of his hands and eagerly read it...

As luck would have it the photographs for the competition are to be uploaded to flickr.

So yesterday morning I was rummaging (virtually as I was looking through my photos online) to see which ones may be possible entries...

I came across nine possibles - James also uploaded four ;o)

One of my favourites of mine is this one ;o)


Al said...

You'll have to let us know which one you choose!

chocolat lover said...

I have uploaded ten photographs so far ;o)