Friday 15 August 2014


Yesterday afternoon James came home from work clutching a bag of plums.

So I asked him where did the plums come from and he said that a woman he works with has a plum tree and they would go to waste otherwise and she wondered if Evie would like them' ;o)

So last night after I had my dinner (Evie had already had hers) I got a bowl and cut in half six plums ;o)

bowl of plums
And here is Evie eating some plum

Evie eating some plum
I think that she just took a bite before not wanting anymore

But I ate them and they were really nice ;o)


Eileen H said...

Ooooh they do look nice.

James should suggest to the lady she freeze some for later use...but then on second thoughts you wouldn't get any :-)

chocolat lover said...

I think that she has probably frozen a whole lot too ;o)

I finished the last of the plums last night ;o)