Sunday 17 August 2014

Springer the Grasshopper

When I bought the wool to knit my scarf I also bought some Mister Maker kits to do with Evie.

On Friday we decided to do the Grasshopper one.

the instructions
Evie holding the tube and gluestick
Evie putting glue on the grasshoppers head
the front of the grasshopper
the side of the grasshopper
Evie has since pulled the eyes off of poor Springer ;o)

Whilst trying to get my scarf ready for measuring I inadvertently pulled some of the stitches off of the needle (oh well at least it will add to the character of it ;o))

my scarf after I had inadvertently pulled some of the stitches off of the needle!

it now measures 132 centimeters ;o)


Eileen H said...

Making the grasshopper looks like fun.

Whenever we buy the dog a new toy, she always pulls the eyes off :)

Oh dear, I hope you can rescue the stitches and the scarf doesn't unravel after all your hard work .

chocolat lover said...

Theres another hole in my scarf but its otherwise ok ;o)