Monday, 9 August 2010

she looked like how I feel

I was walking in this morning and in the opposite direction I passed a woman (probably late forties/early fifties) and she looked really miserable.

She looked like this might have been her "natural" look anyway...

I know that I sometimes feel miserable but I dont think that I ever look miserable if you get my meaning?

And on a completely different note there is a smell of crumpets in the shared kitchen that is driving me insane ;o)


Al said...
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Al said...

Sorry, I messed up the first comment. What I was going to say was:

Don't you just hate that, when someone is or has been making something and the smell makes you want some too.

On my way home from work there's a kebab shop right next to some traffic lights so if it's late enough and the lights are red I always end up wanting a kebab!

chocolat lover said...

I think that if that was me then I would end up parking up to get one... willpower can be seriously lacking at times ;o)

Al said...

I've always managed to resist so far. Whether that's down to willpower or the detour required to find a suitable place to park I'm not entirely sure.

Al said...

Oh, for the record this is the place.

chocolat lover said...

hee hee I bet you dont next time ;o)

ps the link to your picture didnt work!

Al said...

Aw nuts, try this.